A Virtual Exhibition by Agung Fitriana and Windi Apriani

Painted in 2019, these works had exhibited in Seoul with Skape+ gallery where the artworks receive a positive response from the Korean audience, unfortunately, the project did not continue due to several constraints, especially the emergence of the global pandemic of Covid-19 which is continuing until today. Agung Fitriana and Windi Apriani’s concepts are and have always been, focusing on how to capture moments—in a sense of capturing the explicit specific moment and could change in a matter of seconds—into the canvas, the same approach applies to the artworks they bring in this exhibition. However, they are now creating their ideas in a more mature state than their previous works.

Agung utilizes the deep sensation of lights that, at some certain moments, feels so sublime and can bring a feeling of melancholy, which of course he emphasizes by using colors that are stuck in a way that, ironically, is so soft. Meanwhile, Windi, the same as what her husband Agung did, uses lights that feel just right at the right time as well. However, unlike Agung who utilizes the surrounding atmosphere, Windi captures these moments by giving a focus to how the light illuminates objects. Windi freezes the moment where the illumination can create rich shades and gradations of shadows—which she precisely applies in her colorless play. Even more, interestingly, Windi uses ballpoint for her entire works, which creates a realm that gives the feeling Agung is also aiming for, a sensation that feels sublime and very deep.

Within their ideas and creative processes, the idea of freezing moments becomes interesting since natural light is a light that can change in a split second. A time difference of just a minute in the capture may result in a very different expectation of the taste and feel. That is where this married couple understands that the power of every moment can never be replaced—so that what they need is attention to detail in capturing moments, and freeze those specific moments, to then make them immortal, through their artworks.

Happy viewing.

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PROGRAM: A Virtual Exhibition of Selected Collection

DATE: 26.8.21 – 26.9.21

VENUE: Virtual

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